Camila Cabello on Overcoming Anxiety and Mental Health Struggles

Alright, let's dive into Camila Cabello's experience with anxiety and mental health. She's been pretty open about this stuff, which is cool to see from someone in the spotlight.
Camila's dealt with anxiety since she was a kid, but it really ramped up when she got famous. I mean, imagine going from normal teenager to superstar almost overnight. That's gotta mess with your head a bit.
She's talked about having panic attacks and OCD. Like, she'd get these thoughts stuck in her head that she couldn't shake off. Must've been tough, especially when you're expected to be "on" all the time for performances and interviews.
Therapy's been a big help for her. She's not shy about saying how much it's helped her understand her brain better. It's pretty cool to see someone famous normalizing therapy like that.
She's also big on meditation. Apparently, she uses apps like Calm to chill out when things get overwhelming. She even meditates before going on stage sometimes. Whatever works, right?
Social media's been a mixed bag for her mental health. She's taken breaks from it when it gets to be too much. I think a lot of us can relate to needing a social media detox now and then.
Camila's used her music to work through some of this stuff too. There are songs on her albums that talk directly about anxiety and mental health. It's like she's using her art as a way to process things.
Her family and friends have been super important in helping her cope. Especially her mom - sounds like she's been a real rock for Camila during tough times.
One thing Camila's been clear about is that managing anxiety is an ongoing thing. It's not like she went to therapy and now she's magically "fixed." She still has bad days, but she seems better equipped to handle them now.
She's also used her fame to raise awareness about mental health. She's worked with organizations to provide free mental health support to activists. It's cool to see her trying to help others who might be struggling.
The pandemic hit her hard, like it did for a lot of us. But she's talked about how it also gave her time to slow down and work on herself, which is a pretty positive way to look at it.
Camila's still figuring things out, but it seems like she's in a better place now than she was before. She's found strategies that work for her, she's not afraid to ask for help, and she's using her experiences to help others.
It's pretty inspiring to see someone like her being so honest about this stuff. Mental health is something a lot of people struggle with, but it can feel isolating. When celebrities speak out, it helps remind people that they're not alone and that it's okay to not be okay sometimes.
So that's the deal with Camila and her mental health journey. It's ongoing, but she seems to be handling it pretty well. And hey, if Camila Cabello can talk openly about going to therapy, maybe it'll help more people feel comfortable seeking help when they need it.
